Thursday, March 17, 2016

Super Soft Wheat Pav Bread!


Whole wheat 2 cups
Active yeast - 8 grams (1 tbsp)
Milk - 1/2 cup (warm)
Butter/olive oil - 2-4 tbsp
Salt - a pinch
Sugar - 1 tbsp


1. First warm 1/2 cup of water (i microwaved it for 30 second). then add yeast and stir it to dissolve completely. keep it aside for 10 min.
2. take wheat flour in a bowl and mix salt and sugar to it.
3. now add the yeast mixture and warm milk to the wheat flour and and make a very sticky dough.
4. Take 1 spoon full of butter and knead the dough with it for 10 minutes. After 10 minute your dough should be very very soft but not sticky. If it does, sprinkle little bit of flour and knead.
5. Rest the dough for 1 hour at a warm place (keep it covered) with. After 1 hour the dough must be double in size
6. Now punch the dough and remove air and knead for 2-3 minutes.
7. Make small balls our of the dough and keep them on baking tray (remember to leave space between the dough). you can give egg wash to achieve a beautiful shiny outer look (take egg and mix with a bit of milk and apply it with brush on the pav just before baking)
8. Allow the bread balls/pav to rest for 10 minutes, until your oven is pre-heating at 350 degrees F.
9. Bake for 30 minutes at 350 degrees F.


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