Thursday, November 2, 2017

5-Minute Recipe... Spinach and Shrimp Stir Fry!


Shrimp (small) - 1 Cup
Baby Spinach - 3 Cups
Garlic (Finely chopped) - 1 Tbsp
Oil - 1 Tsp
Crushed Black Pepper Corns - 1 Tsp
Salt to taste


  • Take a non-stick frying pan and heat oil in it
  • Once the oil is hot, put the chopped garlic and fry it for 30 second (do not let it brown)
  • Now put in the the Shrimps along with crushed black pepper and fry on high flame for a minute (stir it once or twice)
  • As the shrimp turns red on each side, put in the spinach, sprinkle salt and cook it for 4 minutes with lid on (cook it on medium flame)

Remove the lid and enjoy the delicious Spinach and shrimp Stir fry!! 

Happy Cooking.....

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