Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Chicken Candy Sticks - Super Easy and Delicious!


  1. Minced Chicken Breast - 2 Cups
  2. Onion (Finely Chopped) - 1/2 Cup
  3. Coriander Leaves (Chopped) - 1/2 Cup
  4. Green Chili (Chopped) - 1 Tbsp
  5. Black Pepper Powder - 1Tsp
  6. Salt To Taste
  7. Oil - 2 Tsp
  8. Ice-cream Sticks - 8 to 10


  • Take a big mixing bowl and mix all the ingredients together
  • Meanwhile, pre-heat the oven at 350 degree F for 10 minutes
  • Now take a handful of the mixture and give it a candy shape (like in the photo). You can make them of any shape whatever your heart desires
  • Now take an ice-cream stick and insert it into the mixture and shape again if need be
  • Layer all the chicken candy sticks on a baking sheet and bake them for 15-20 minutes 
  • To give it a nice look, just grill it/broil it for a minute on each side on high
PS: In case you do not have oven, just shallow fry them in a non-stick pan. they taste divine too :)

Enjoyyy this delicious and super easy snacks!!

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